
April Projects of 2023

HUGE Remodeling Project for Local Veteran

April 6th – 28th, 2023

We can’t usually take on such a big project because of the expense, but thanks to the Home Depot’s Foundation that helps out Veterans, we will be able to help renovate this bathroom and hallway.

HUGE thanks to #teamdepot for coming out and helping a local Veteran. Even with the rain, we managed to do a lot of much needed yard work, paint the outside columns as well as insulate and drywall most of the hall & bathroom. We were also able to set the shower walls today. Special thanks to the amazing folks at Embrich Plumbing for their support on this project…they donated their time and materials to help this Veteran.

So many companies and people to thank. The Home Depot Foundation for making this project possible, Embrich Plumbing, Randy Moore (electric), Vallow Flooring, Troy Garage Door, RedBox+ (dumpster), and all of the amazing volunteers who helped get this Veteran’s project done. Check out the before and after pictures.













Complicated Bathroom Renovation

April 8th, 2023



Well, it was another one of those days. Just about everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. It started with a soft spot in the bathroom floor and ended up replacing a big chunk of the subfloor, replacing the toilet, including the shut-off valve and plumbing up to the toilet. We also installed new bathroom flooring.

Yard Work, New Stairs, and a Wheelchair Ramp

April 22nd, 2023



We had an AMAZING crew from Home Depot helping build a wheelchair ramp this weekend. The team went so far above and beyond! The Home Depot crew even mowed the grass, cleaned up the yard, planted flowers and buried the drain tile! The homeowner couldn’t wait until we were finished to come outside and check out all of the improvements. Please check out all of these pictures. Go #teamdepot!

New Deck Build With Olin/Winchester

April 25th, 2023



We have had the great folks from Olin/Winchester helping out the past couple of days on some projects. They were amazing to work with, when I wanted to quit – they wanted to keep working. We managed to tear down and rebuild a deck as well as tear down another deck at another job site. They also installed a handrailing and fix a loose step. Thanks to all.

Rebuild Day 2023!

April 29th, 2023



We had another amazing crew today for Rebuilding Day working on fixing up a veteran’s home.  We helped build a wheelchair ramp, installed a new back door and cleaned up the yard.

Thanks to the great folks at 2 Rivers Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who worked together to get this project done. And thanks to Marvin and Ray for coming back today to finish it up. I had such a great time working with such great folks. The homeowner is thrilled. Thanks also to the Agency for Community Transit for their continued support. #RebuildDay

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